10 Tips for Writing Effective Email Copy www.EmailDelivered.com Email Copywriting – YouTube

http://www.EmailDelivered.com 10 Tips for Writing Effective Email Copy Your subject line is only responsible for getting people to open your emails. Your copy is going to be responsible for getting the click. Find out how to write effective email copy with these 10 email copy tips.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbSM6pZTu0A

Why Email Split Testing is Essential for Profitability www.EmailDelivered.com Split Testing – YouTube

Are you getting the highest ROI possible in your email marketing, or could you increase profits with a few small changes? How would you find out? The answer is email split testing. Most email marketers simply test the amount of sales an email campaign generates, but that’s not enough. They are forgetting about the opportunity […]